likinstein's Quotidian Chronicles The cheerful, the doleful, the exceptional, the conventional, the hilarious, the serious,the intermittent...well its a journal...few captures too...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A casual day...

Its the Last Friday in June.... We all waited for this Friday from a very long time and making interesting plans for this exciting weekend... With crowdy stores and tempting deals ....uhh... I love shopping.... When it comes to new technology... I'm always excited and will be eager to know how things work... I was going through the CompUsa website and found few pleasing deals.... I visited the store and it was fun looking at all of the good deals and commenting the new technology....

As its the long weekend... Planning to visit the fireworks.... The coolest thing is that my friend Todd and his rescue team is arranging the parking facilities for Columbia....

I'm not actually that happy though... My mom isn't with us and I don't like it when my mom is not with us when we go out to partay....!!

One more interesting thing that I came across when I was browsing through wikipedia....
Its about my Zodiac sign...... I'm a Sagittarian.... Yup!.... The Archer.... Okay! Here's what I actually found about Sagis...

Optimistic and freedom-loving
Jovial and good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy traveling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence.

They have both profound and widely ranging minds, equipped with foresight and good judgement, and they can be witty conversationalists. They love to initiate new projects (they make excellent researchers) and have an urge to understand conceptions that are new to them. They think rapidly, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing and are at their best when working with colleagues of other types of character that compliment their own. They are strong-willed and good at organizing, a combination that gives them the ability to bring any project they undertake to a successful conclusion. Their generosity can be balanced by their extreme care at handling their resources.

Some Famous Sagittarians:
Sir Winston Churchill (November 30, 1874)
Ludwig van Beethoven (December 16 or 17, 1770)
Mark Twain (November 30, 1835)
Francis Albert Sinatra (December 12, 1915)
Jim Morrison (December 8, 1943)
Britney Spears (December 2 )
Brad Pitt (December 18)

So that's what I found about sagittarians.....

Okay! Will close the post for now.... Will be back soon......

Have a Good One..... ~_~!!

posted by Likhitha @ 7:36 PM,